last saturday, kitorang sume ade session bergmbr for raya. it was nice. weather pun ok. unfortunately, only 2 girls ( me and maisa). supposedly, miza ade skali tp sb keje, x jadi pegi. at last, aku ngn mesak jer pegi but it was great :). love the pics though. so, right now, im in raya mood. bile nk raya ni. puasa pun x abes lagi lar cik amalina oiiii!!! so, enjoy the pics. credit to all photographers. thanks for the lovely pics :)
so this entry is specially dedicated to diane ur such a lovely person thanks for the card *wink*
p/s: im so lucky to have many lovely people standing beside me. and not forgetting Janet. thanks for the cardigan and the ring too. I love it!!! later on, aku story yer, sape diane and janet? but for sure, I love them.
aaaa..first week of class.i always hate it. bukan ape, clumsy person like me always screw up my first week of class. example nyer, sem dlu, aku lupe nak click butang payment kt mypurdue. hasilnye, aku ilang sume kls dan terpakse begging lecturers ntuk msuk kls balek :( sem ini pula, saya buat bnde yg same, salah dftr class. supposedly, aku amek kls 106 i, tp aku amek kls 106. kesannye, sume kls penuh mat sleh yg memandangkan aku dgn pelik. aku percaye dlm hati diorang ckp, "what the hell she's doing here?". yup, i know that. i know where's the door. arrgghhh..luckily, aku smpt jumpe advisor then dpt msuk kls 106 i.fuih, what a mess!! inilah aku. dan pagi td, aku sungguh rase out of place. thanks to my philosophy 111 class. hah. sesungguhnye aku mahu drop subject itu. i need to!!so, i need to think another class yg bley aku amek. think, think, think! arrgggghh..mati akal +_+ whatever it is, conclussion yg aku dpt selama ini, aku sungguh lar clumsy., people, im hoping all of you to pray for me. aku sgt menghargainya. till then.
p/s: sungguh jealous, alot nk gi michi nak tgok shereen. nak pegi jugak. shereen, nti ler yer kite jmpe waktu raye. muahxx :)
just finished taking my having nasi with ayam (luckily, ade lauk lebeyh smlm) with tempe goreng :) and of course lar kan, mkn sambil mata terkebil2 nk bukak. that's just me.hehe :p so, kenape bersahur? rmai org x bersahur kan. tp aku kne. esok keje. mati lar kalau x sahur plus, dr segi pemikran aku, kalau x sahur, nti x larat sgt. so menjadi adat sejak dr kecik smpai besa, aku kne sahur ea. dan aku mem blog ntuk tunggu subuh. kan sng tu, 2 in 1 :)
so, what's up? hmm..this is a dead week for me. seriously! keje for 36 hours a week, doesn't make sense for me. continuous work from tuesday till saturday (akhirnye sabtu dtg jugak.huh ). fuih, at last, aku survive jugak. kite tgok mcm mane ngn ari ni.
class akan start on monday. so not looking forward into it. huh. nak cuti lagi!!! cuti sgt best yer, x sabar2 nak cuti. sape jer kot yg suke study. ape lar.
so, aper terjadi sepanjang mggu ni. hehehe :) i had sooooo much fun at smokey. trip terdiri dr 18 org termsuk 4 girls (me, naze, lyn, miza). time kaseh kpde pihak penganjur :)
ape yg best sgt nyer? hehe.. of course lar experience baru kan. dpt try whitewater rafting. ( this one absolutely fun + extreme + mcm2 lar ). walaupun cuak wktu boat terbalek kan, tp alhamdullilah, sumenye selamat. plus, saye dpt naik kuda. yeay!! sbnrnye kan, gayat giler plus takut terjatuh dr kuda lps tu kne pijak plak. nasib baik, Apple ( nme kuda yer..male sbnrnye..huhu ) berperangai baik. best!! so, conclussion jer, trip smokey best!! ( mls nk cite sume bnde. mls nak taip. nti bru upload pics. :)
next week, kne keje for the whole week. aduhai..sungguh mls. huhu. plus, class start 24th. lagi lar malas.huhu :(
akhirnye..jumaat lps saye sudah merdeka. bkn kemerdekaan merdeka dr summer sem.hehe :) tpt jam 10 am, saya senyum smpai ke telinga tuh ( hyperbola lagi..)
slps itu, aku ngn hanan pun, trus lar pegi meronggeng. eh silap, bukan..g abeskan keje yg x siap. hanan nk post brg. aku nk register kete. yer, kete aku ni x register lg. takut jugak nk bwk. kang encik polis tgkp, skang dh register..yey!!
slps itu, sprti bese, kami bershopping. hehe. x de lar shopping mne pun. tp sedeyh, tgok brg x boley beli. duit tarak ler.huuuu :( x per, kedukaan itu di ubat dgn ice cream. first time aku mkn cold stone.bley tahan sedap nye. seperti bese, pilihan aku semstinyer bkn cheese cake( ntah ape psl ngn aku ni, aku x leh mkn cheese cake.kurang diminati. hehe :p )
slps berjalan2, bru balek umah. lps tuh, bru teringt, alamak!! x beli mknn ntuk bobo. mknn dah abes. kasi mkn roti, tp bobo x nak. terpkse pegi walmart. kucing saye ni sgt memilih yer. manje pye kucing :)
dan hari ni (sabtu), aku nak g tgok kak rose kawen kt chicago. dpt jugak lar kan tgok diorang kawen, eventho aku x dtg wkatu nikah tu kan..keje lar..huhuhu..
akhirnye,dpt jugak ler aku menulis kt blog ni setelah sekian lame menyepi ( xde lar lme sgt kan..poyo jer lebeyh). bukan aper..busy lar skit. dgn pindah rumah nyer. dgn nk uruskan sume bnde nyer. mmg penat yer rupe nye pindah umah ni.mcm2 kene pikir.lps ni, x nak pindah dah. lupe plak, terima kasih yer kepada kawan2 yg menolong ari tuh. ( nizam, jono, nasrul, mohsin, azfar, saini, naze, dina..kalau ade sesape lgi.tambah sndiri yer..) time kasih daun keladi..hehe..kitorang ni bernasib bek ade org tolong..kalau tak, mmg patah lar tulang belakang ni angkat sume brg. time kasih sekali lagi :)
mggu ni ade final.adoiiii..takut plak. ari kamis ni plak tuh.dh ler kul 8 am.sungguh x relevan. lps tuh ade ari jumaat. wktu yg sme. ari jer lain. lps tuh, kite enjoyyyyyy!!! hehehe :P
btw, lupe plak. ari sabtu lps, kak rose (senior purdue) ni kawen. nikah kat masjid. x dpt pegi. kene keje..huhu :(( tp x per, kitorang pegi sabtu ni plak.nk tgok gmbr, g cari kak fb. siap ade video lagi tuh kt u-tube. anyways, congrats kak rose + paul. semoga bahagia hingga ke anak cucu, cicit, piot yerrr :)
p/s: x sabar2 nk abes final. bole tgok cite/ movie byk2..hehe :) bile lar duit atnt ni nk smpai. x larat nk tggu dah..huhu :(..btw, kpde mashitah, diharapkan mr bf anda sihat seperti biasa. insya Allah, x de ape2..kite doa sme2 yer :)