Wednesday, December 10

mencari ketenangan....=)

lately, i dunno why..aku rse x tenang lak..but, maybe coz exam makin hampir and aku gabra sgt...huhuhu...and thanks to shereen coz give me this link to look gak blog neyh..i like one of the posts which is Allah sedang berbicara's make me think over and over again...yup...sumtimes, we forget the Almighty and then we questioned why He do this and that to us...hmm..we shouldn't...and aku suke gak this one post..bagimu yang akan ke bumi anbiya..i'm thinking of going there someday..dunno when but i'm going..x de duit maa skang..if i had, i'll bring my family..let's kumpul2 duit skang..i wonder how much it cost it cheaper to go there from u.s or malaysia..don't overthink..kumpul jer duit, if cukup..then, g jer lar...hmmm...ok lah..need to do my hw..ntah bile nak abis..huhuhuhu....bubye!!!

p/s: menghadapi segala kesusahan dan permasalahan akan menjadi lebih mudah jika kita awal-awal lagi menerimanya sebagai ujian....=p

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