hah...jumpe lagi..ngeee...today i need to study since i have quiz tomorrow...byk gile bnde nk kne bce..arghhhh...malasnye...hhmm..jom kite mulakan cite ape y aku buat ari ni..today,aku bgun lmbt skit since x de kls early in th morning...my class start at 10.30 am..so,after subuh, aku tido blik and wake up at 8..lazy girl...hahaha...suddenly, my roommate, cik fafa bgtau aku yg our picture msuk paper...cepat2 ler die suh aku call my mom..and aku pn call ler...yup,mmg msuk pun..and the funniest thing is gmbr tu kitorang tgkp wk2 nk tggu bus..hahaha..mcm mne ler gmbr yg tu bley msuk..haish..x per lar..asal masuk sudeyh....
g kls korean ari ni mcm ntah pape jer..as usual,we have review test on tuesday..letih giler ler kls ni..then,tetibe seong sang nim(it means teacher in Korean) told us that we will have oral test and we need to be paired..and then, we need to create a script about anything and present it in front of class...wow...bapak gile takut..tp test tu akan di buat 2 mggu lagi kot..so..relax dlu..n the best thing is,seong sang nim cko mybe his wife akan bersalin mggu dpn and of course ler x de kls..muke sume org berseri giler..senyum smpai ke telinge..hahahaha!!!!tp there is one incident in korean class y funny+takut gak ar..de sorang mamat korean ni,die g main nset wk2 seong sang nim tgh ckp kt dpn..marah ler seong sang nim ni..muke x bley blah.,,.mcm nk memangis tp takut gak ar since die x penah mrh bdk2 kls..nsib bek lps tu,die ok blik..aku pye ler x tahan..nk gelak mcm nk mati..nsib bek bley than..klu x,naya jer aku yg kne plak..hahaha!!!
after class, aku ngn fafa pun nk g ler mkn..lapar gile..turun kt pmu,tetibe rse mcm dh boring asyik mkn pizza..so,kitorang pn g lar try tgok kt lemongrass..tetibe jmpe lar shah n albert..depe pun first time try mkn kt situ...so..kitorang pun mkn ler sesame..albert,shah n fafa amik mcm mee kari..tp mcm laksa skit.fafa pye kuah mmg x sdp.manis gile.fafa pun x larat nk mkn..aku amik nasi n seafood curry..sedap gak ar..mcm malaysian nyer food skit ler..fafa pn kte sedap..kitorang pn smbg ler skit2 psl open house ari jumaat ni..shah kte,mybe they would like to join us..that's really great..bertambah mkanan yg akan dihidang..maybe depe nk msk spaghetti kot..org putih ler kononnyer..hahahaha!!!!after finish our foods, kitorang pn bergegas nk g kls..my class start at 12.30, so..aku pun cepat2 ler nk g kls...takut lmbt nti,tmpt duduk penuh lak..ritual class math ni sme jer setiap kli recitation..t.a tu akan kasi quiz n try to solve some mathematics problems..the best thing is t.a aku ni @ ritesh, die ingt nme aku..mybe sb i'm the only girl yg pkai tdung...mybe..and i got markah penuh for the previous quiz..yeay!!!!i'm hoping that i can get full marks for all my quiz ,so it wll help me in the grades...i need to work hard..chaiyok2!!!and for today quiz, i think i'm doing good..i can solve all the questions..hope so,i get full marks for this quiz too..nggeeeee.....dh abis kls, aku pun stop by kt kedai khyber..this shop is the best shop ever plus its halal..the owner is really nice..everytime aku msuk jer kedai,die akan layan mcm2 ler plus i get discounts...hehehe...aku pun bli lar skit2 brg2 ntuk open house umah..byk gak ar..berat gile..nsib bek aku naik bus..klu x,tercabut tgn angkat barang..hohoohhoo....dh smpai umah...ape lagi..kemas2 skit brg..umah pun bersepah..i hate when i see my house bersepah..especially, the kitchen..kdg2,naik angin gak ar...tp idup serumah ni,kne ler berbaik2...biar jer lar kan..huhuhuhu...aik..mcm mne ler bley smpai kt cite umah ni plak..haish..ape2 jer lar aku ni...hahaha....then,aku tido jap sblm study fnr(kan de quiz sok)...tgh study2 ni,boring..aku pn tulis ler blog...so,mlm ni aku x kan tulis blog n focus on my study..perghhh,jadi budak baik lak..hahaha...ok lar...dh x de pape nk tulis..byk merepek jer....jmpe lagi..an nyeong hi ga se yo(it means goodbye in Korean)...
p/s:aku letak sekali gmbr pic aku yg msuk newspaper tu..my mom and dad said i look fat in the picture...hahaha...i need to do some exercises...bile nk start tu ek..???
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