Wednesday, April 7

good morning

yup, today's post is in the morning.yeay! usually i woke up at 9 ish but lately, my time table already change. since i got lots of hws and assignments bertimbun, so i need to wake up early :( dan mlm td aku tertido awal, sedar2 dah pagi. and i dont even finish my assignments. sigh! oh, baru tersedar, sepatutnye x bole la cite bnde2 sedeyh pagi2 ni kan. nanti tak bersemangat plak.soooo lets starts with a new topic. hmmm....

ouh, dapat idea!

hah, do u guys believe in AURA? alaaa, yg org ckp aura mawi la, aura nk kasi cun la, mcm2 jenis aura la. and yesterday, i believed that i found one AURA! (indeed, a good AURA though) hah, not in me laaa, org lain pye. haha :D (tak dpt la aku ade aura mcm mawi kannn..) and it makes me believe that all of us hve different aura. hmm.. betul ke tak sbnrnye ye? probably betul since sumtimes bile kite jmpe someone who perhaps has a negative aura, eventho we barely know him/her, we tend to not be close with them. and vice versa. maybe jugak ade konsep yin and yang (positive negative) jugak di situ. wahhh, aku dah nk jadi dr philosophy dah ni. hahahaha!

org kate, mawi ade aura. betul ker?

sudah la kemerepekan aku ni. lagi lama lagi dilayan, bole jadi benda lain plak. hahaha

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