Wednesday, November 11

semua ada :)

first, happy birthday to my roommate, rumaisa ali. at last, dh legal dah pun. hehe;p may god bless you and selamat berbahagia lar. tidak lupe juga, fareena. happy bday!!!

omg, esok ade bowling lagi. so, naze and me gonna wear same color pye baju. and tomorrow theme is purple. go team PURPLE!!! sudah bersemangat neh, so harap2 aku baling bola tuh pun bersemangat.huhu~~

and td gi tipp mall. mcm dh lame gileeeee x gi. serious!! dh mcm lame sgt plak rasenye. ooo lupe plak, td keunil ade presentation. this time, he prepared everything. i mean, siap ngn whiteboard skali. hoho~~ anyway, suran masak and of course, she is good at it. sedap!!! thanks suran and keunil :)

td berckp ngn shereen. dh lame gile x dpt nk call. thanks shereen :) need to call alot and kay. i really miss them lorrrr.. miss my family too :(

ps: saya x phm dgn manusia. seriously, saya betul2 x phm ngn manusia. ape2 jer lar kan.layan~~~~~~

yg bersemangat nk main bowling,
misz amalz :)


Anonymous said...

Tu laa manusia ... Mmg cmtu... Haha

giGGLe said...

aku pun manusia...
paham aku x?

cik amal :) said...

saini~macam2.anyway, thanks tolong bday mesak yer

giggle~ ko tuh sng jer aku nk phm..hahaha..weyh, x sabar nk balik malaysia..nk mknnnnn

Firdaus Aziz said...

ohhhh now i understand ur fb status!

cik amal :) said...

firdaus ~ apekah yg difahami kan oleh anda?